Public Information Session: Middle Age: Challenges for Men’s Health: High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and High Blood Sugar

With funding from Cancer Institute NSW’s ‘Innovations in Cancer Control Grants’, CanRevive will implement an awareness project, which aims to improve the recovery process for Chinese male prostate cancer patients, through a culturally and linguistically appropriate community initiative.

“We know from our organisation’s interactions with male cancer patients that there are many misconceptions relating to mid-life health issues, such as abnormal urination, hypertension, diabetes and prostate cancer”, said Emily Hung, spokesperson for CanRevive.

“These can cause psychological distress to the patients, and some may even miss the opportunities of early diagnosis and treatment.”

The project will be delivered through a strategic partnership with Australasian Medical Services Coalition (AMSC), with the support of Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and local stakeholders. The outcomes of the project will provide evidence and strategies to enhance community engagement as well as cancer service provision.

CanRevive has invited Consultant Physician & Geriatrician Dr Ernest Tam to deliver a talk later this month about symptoms, prevention and treatment of common health problems facing middle-aged men – High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and High Blood Sugar. Participants will be invited to complete a health survey at the end of the session.

Details of the public information session are as follows:

Date: 30-7-2022 (Saturday)

Time: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Venue: The Meeting Room- Club Central Hurstville (Room 3, Level 3, 2 Crofts Ave, Hurstville).

Guest Speaker: Dr Ernest Tam (Consultant Physician & Geriatrician)

Language: Cantonese & Mandarin (Interpreting Service available)

Fee: Free Admission (priority given to male residents in the South as seats are limited)


(1) Information Session (Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment of common health problems facing middle-aged men – High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and High Blood Sugar).

(2) Information Stalls

Enquiry & Registration: Participants must register before the event.

CanRevive Sydney Head Office Tel: (02) 9212 7789

CanRevive Southern Sydney Centre Tel:  0401 052 599