「姿采再展」乳癌治疗后健体课程2022 YWCA Encore Progam – Zoom Online Exercise Program 2022

此活动由更生会与澳洲女青年会合办, 是一项为期 8 周的健体运动和资讯课
程, 专为经历过乳癌的妇女而设。该计划的目的是提高参与者于治疗后的肢
体灵活性和运动范围, 并减低患上淋巴水肿的机会。

CanRevive works in collaboration with YWCA Australia to run the
Encore online program. It is a free 8-week prescriptive exercise and
information program designed for women who have been touched
by breast cancer. The purpose of the program is to improve the
flexibility and range of motion of the participants after treatment,
and to reduce the chance of developing lymphedema.

日期 Date 15.02.2022 ‒ 05.04.2022 (星期二 Tuesday)
时间 Time 10:00 am ‒ 11:30 am (为期 8 课 8 sessions)
语言 Language 普通话/广东话 Mandarin/Cantonese
内容 Content 课程内容包括热身、 呼吸运动、 放松伸展运动、
规定性运动, 以及与主持人和其他参与者的互动和联系
Warm up, breathing exercise, stretching exercise,
prescriptive exercises and interaction with the
facilitators and other participants

鼓励参加者能尽量完成整个课程, 以达致最
佳效益。想了解活动详情, 可浏览新州女青
年会网址: www.ywcaencore.org.au。基
于医疗原因, 参加者必须预先向本会报名,
We encourage you to commit to full attendance
to gain the most benefit. Participants would
need to complete the enrolment form and
medical approval form prior to the program.

查询及报名 Enquiry & Registration: 更生会市区总会 Sydney Head Office
Level 4, 741 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : (02) 9212 7789