觉知普拉提 – 更生会北悉尼服务中心

加强小肌群力量,提高身体平衡能力和稳定性。学习呼吸技巧减压放松, 减轻下背及腰部疼痛,缓解肩颈僵硬。

To learn breathing techniques for stress relief; and exercises to strengthen small muscle groups, improve balance and stability, alleviate pain at the back and waist and relieve shoulder and neck stiffness; also to practise deep stretching to promote blood circulation.


日期:2024年 10月22日, 11月5日和 19日,12月3日 (星期二,共四堂)

Date:22/10, 5/11, 19/11, 3/12/2024 (Tuesday, total 4 lessons)

时间:上午10 时30分至下午12时

Time:10:30 am – 12:00pm


Target:Members living in the Northern Sydney Region

语言: 普通话



No. of Participants:10

导师:Lydia Wang (瑜伽教练)

Instructor:Ms Lydia Wang (Yoga Instructor)

费用:$5 (全课程)

Fee:$5 for 4 lessons


Venue:Level 1, North Shore House

65 Archer Street, Chatswood NSW 2067

查询及报名︰0428 183 882(龙姑娘)

Enquiry & Registration:0428 183 882(Agnes Lung)