
親自動手製作聖誕小飾物,簡單易學,別具特色,包括聖誕環、聖誕星等, 以歡度佳節和饋贈親友。

Simple DIY Christmas Decorations: Christmas wreaths, Christmas stars etc. Perfect for celebrating the festive season or as gifts to friends and relatives.


日期 Date ︰6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11(共四堂; 逢星期三 Wednesday for 4 lessons)

時間 Time︰10:30 am – 12:00 pm

導師 Instructor: Sharon Tso

對象 Participants︰北區會友 Members living in the Northern Sydney Region

語言Language︰廣東話/普通話 Cantonese / Mandarin

費用 Fee︰全課程$20 (包括材料費 including materials)

名額 Capacity:10


參加者必須預先報名登記 Enrollment Required

查詢及報名 Enquiry & Registration:
龍姑娘 Agnes Lung  9139 3233 / 0428 183 882