Women from the Chinese-speaking community are now able to access culturally and linguistically appropriate information on healthy eating after a breast cancer diagnosis. Thanks to a new initiative worked in collaboration between CanRevive and Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).
The healthy eating resource was developed after Chinese breast cancer women told CanRevive they were becoming distressed due to people around telling them what they should or shouldn’t be eating after breast cancer. The women told CanRevive they would find it helpful to have correct information and guidelines about how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. It also addresses specific questions women may have about different foods and myth-busts common misconceptions.‘Healthy Eating and Breast Cancer’ consists of an audio CD and a booklet with information relevant to breast cancer women from a Chinese-speaking background. The resource developed is based on the ‘Healthy Eating and Breast Cancer’ currently produced in English by BCNA.
The ‘Road to Recovery – Information for Chinese women affected by Breast Cancer’ project is funded by the Ralph Lauren Pink Pony Seeding Grant, which is administered by Cancer Australia.