Living with Cancer-Meditation Workshops – CanRevive Western Sydney Service Centre

Stress and negative emotions are inevitable in cancer patients who are worried about their condition.

This course offers a variety of meditation techniques to help patients and carers reduce anxiety, adjust their emotional and spiritual state as well as improve their sleep quality. At the end of this course, participants could develop a calmer mindset in the face of adversity.

Date: 27/1 – 17/2 on every Friday

Time: 10:30 am -11:30 am

Venue: CanRevive Western Sydney Service Centre (113 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead NSW 2145)

Instructor: Laksmi Leung / B.A. in Psychology (Canada), Dip. Counselling (Australia)

Language: Cantonese (assisted in Mandarin)

Fee: Free

All participants must register before the event


Enquiry & Registration:

CanRevive Sydney Head Office

Tell: (02) 9212 7789



CanRevive Western Sydney Service Centre

Address: 113 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead NSW 2145

Contact: 0429 218 624  Miss LIU