CanRevive works in collaboration with YWCA to organise this partnership program. This is a FREE 8 week exercise program designed specifically for women who have experienced breast cancer at an time in their life.
Date: 16/2/2017 – 6/4/2017 (Thursday)
Time: 10:30am – 12:45pm
Venue: YWCA (5-11 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney) and Cook & Philip Pool (Opposite Hyde Park)
Registration is essential. Please fill in the enrolment form and ask your GP/Oncologist/Breast Surgeon to complete the Medical Approval Form on p.2 – p.4 and return the completed form to our staff before 31/1/2017.
Pre-program meeting will be held on 9/2/2017 (Thurs) from 10:30am to 12:30pm.
Registration & Enquiry: Please call city office on 9212 77998