更生會 — 癌患照顧者最新活動及福利



(1) 周末暫息在藍山Carer Respite in the Blue Mountains

This is a new activity to reward the hard work of our carers with a full day’s respite in the Blue Mountains. It includes a high-tea together with a health talk. The program is partnered with Carer Gateway.

日期Date ︰13 th May & 3 rd June 2023 “(Sat)

地點 Venue ︰The Hydro Majestic Hotel, Blue Mountains

時間Time ︰9:00 am–4:30 pm

對象 Participants︰最近兩年內登記之關顧者(最新登記者優先)

Registered carers within the last 2 years (priority given to new carers)

節目Program ︰英式精緻茶聚及健康講座   High -tea and Health Talk

講者 Speaker ︰Dr. Snow Li (精神健康學博士)

語言Language ︰廣東話 Cantonese (13 th May); 普通話 Mandarin (3rd June)

名額 Quota ︰十對(關顧者及病者)10 pairs (carer + patient)

費用 Fee ︰全免 free

集合時間及地點 Gathering Time & Venue︰有旅遊巴士接送,詳情容後公佈   pick up and return by tourist bus, details to be announced


(2) 關顧者禮物包 Carer Hamper

此實用清潔護理禮品乃由「照顧者門戶」送出   Carer Hampers are sponsored by Carer Gateway

對象 Participants︰最近兩年內登記之關顧者(最新登記者優先)

Registered carers within the last 2 years (priority given to new carers)

名額 Quota ︰送完即止 offer valid while stock lasts

領取地點 Venue ︰本會市區總會 City Office

備註 Remark : 未能參加「周末暫息在藍山」者優先    Priority given to those unable to attend “Carer Respite in the Blue Mountains”

**上述福利/活動參加者必須預先報名及登記** Participants must register

查詢及報名 Enquiry & Registration︰

市區總會 Tel: 02- 9212 7789; 或 0401 052 599(洪姑娘)或0428 183 882(龍姑娘)