更生會將暫停開放 Temporary Closure of CanRevive Offices (26/6/2021-30/9/2021)
因為疫情持續惡化, 新州政府繼2021年6月26日(星期六)宣佈整個大悉尼地區包括中央海岸, 藍山及伍龍崗於6月26日6pm起,前後宣佈封城共九星期之後,
有見及此, 更生會市區總會及南區辦事處將會繼續關閉, 暫時到9月30日(星期四). 期間所有職員需要繼續留在家中工作, 直至另行通知. 市區總會電話將會如常接聽。如需要聯絡Sabrina 文太, 請致電: 0429 178 636。
當辦事處可以重開後, 更生會南區辦事處將變更為南區外展服務站, 並遷往位於Hurstville 好市圍 – 飛躍多元文化服務 (Advance Diversity Services) 總辦事處內辦公。 服務站辦公時間為逢星期三至五, 上午10時至下午3時。地址: 飛躍多元文化服務 (好市圍總辦事處) Advance Diversity Services (Hurstville Head Office), Suite 231 & 232 (Building 2/Level 3), 7-11 The Avenue, Hurstville NSW 2020 [位於南區辦事處現址後面的商業大廈]。如需要聯絡Amy 周姑娘, 請致電: 0418 842 518 。
更生會北區外展服務站, 因為現時疫情最新發展關係, 將會由現在休息至10月11日, 暫時定於10月12日(星期二)重開 。如需要聯絡Agnes 龍姑娘, 請致電: 0428 183 882。
有關更生會西南及西區服務, 如需要聯絡Carole 周姑娘, 請致電: 0429 218 624。
另外, 7月9日(星期五)假富麗宮酒樓舉行的”更生會26週年會友會慶聯歡會”將會取消, 期望待疫情緩和後, 於不久的將來再次與各會友及義工慶祝會慶或其他特別節日。現聯歡會退票安排詳情如下:
南區辦事處職員Amy 周姑娘將會向所有與她購票的會友及義工聯絡. 退票將會待今次封城完結後, 於新的南區外展服務站辦公時間內安排退票. 北區外展服務站職員Agnes 龍姑娘將會向所有與她購票的會友及義工聯絡. 退票將會待今次封城完結後, 於北區外展服務站辦公時間內安排退票. 負責普通話支持小組職員Emily 洪姑娘將會向所有與她購票的會友及義工聯絡安排退票. 市區總會職員Kristina 陳小姐將會向所有於市區總會購票的會友及義工聯絡. 退票將會待今次封城完結後, 於市區總會辦公時間內安排退票.
Due to the continuous escalation of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sydney in the past week, NSW Government has today announced to have the current stay-at-home orders being extended for a further four weeks across all of Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong until 30 September 2021. Please refer to the link below for details of the announcement:
Consequently, CanRevive will continue to close all of its offices until Thursday, 30 September 2021 for the time being until further notice. All staff members will be continuing to work from home and phone calls to the office will still be picked up as usual. If you would like to contact Sabrina Man, please call: 0429 178 636.
Once our offices can be reopened, CanRevive Southern Office will be changed to an Outreach Service Hub and will be relocated to Advance Diversity Services (Hurstville Head Office) . The Service Hub will operate from Wednesday to Friday, between 10am to 3pm. Address: Advance Diversity Services (Hurstville Head Office), Suite 231 & 232 (Building 2/Level 3), 7-11 The Avenue, Hurstville NSW 2020. If you would like to contact Amy Chow, please call: 0418 842 518.
For CanRevive Northern Outreach Service Hub, due to the current lockdown situation in Greater Sydney, the Service Hub will be taking a break from operating from now till 11 October 2021 and will tentatively reopen again at this stage on Tuesday, 12 October 2021. If you would like to contact Agnes Lung, please call: 0428 183 882.
For CanRevive South-Western & Western Sydney Outreach Services, please contact Carole Chow on: 0429 218 624.
Unfortunately, “CanRevive 26th Anniversary In-House Party” scheduled to be held at Marigold Restaurant on Friday, 9 July 2021 will now be cancelled. We hope that we will be able to organise such celebration occasion again with our members and volunteers in the near future once the current pandemic situation has been improved. Details regarding ticket refund for the In-House Party are as follows:
Our staff Amy Chow will contact all of those members and volunteers who have purchased tickets from her at CanRevive Southern Office. A refund can be obtained from her at the new CanRevive Southern Sydney Outreach Service Hub during business hours once the current lockdown has been lifted. Our staff Agnes Lung will contact all of those members and volunteers who have purchased tickets from her at CanRevive Northern Sydney Outreach Service Hub. A refund can be obtained from her at CanRevive Northern Sydney Outreach Service Hub during business hours once the current lockdown has been lifted. Our staff Emily Hung who looks after CanRevive Mandarin Support Groups will contact all of those members and volunteers who have purchased tickets from her to arrange for a refund. Our staff Kristina Chan will contact all of those members and volunteers who have purchased tickets from CanRevive City Office. A refund can be obtained at CanRevive City Office during business hours once the current lockdown has been lifted.